To Get Facebook Email Address/Facebook Email ID as How to get facebook email id as

1. Just log in to your facebook account.
2. If you have already created  your username in facebook, then skip this step and if not then do the following,
click on Create username in facebook then you will see some options like,

how to get facebook email address

Simply according to the preview choose your username(Make sure no space and no special character are in your username) and then Check Availability of your username and then save it.

Now your home profile page will be simply

*** Once you created your user name. You can not be able to change it in the future so keep in mind to creating your username in facebook profile.

3. click on Facebook Email ID Request

then you will see a button "Request an Invitation", as in the following preview;

facebook email address

Click on "Request an Invitation", then you will see that button will show you "You will receive and invite soon". that's it. If you are lucky then you will get email address id soon.

***Q. Can I get messages from any traditional email system (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail) to my facebook email id? Where will I get these messages?

Ans. Yes, all the traditional email system can send you messages to your facebook email id and these messages will be delivered to your facebook messages.

Q. Can I send messages from my facebook email id to any traditional email system? will I use features in  my facebook email id such as attachment files as other traditional email system have? is there any other benefits to use facebook email id?

Ans. Yes of course, as if you receive any message to your facebook message then what does you get? sender profile picture with name and sender message. Now if you send message to external email addresses then the attractive feature is that it will remains look like the facebook messages, means it will delivered with your name and facebook profile picture with the message.
       Also you can use outlook web app for manage your facebook emails.

You done!


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