Some Great Invoicing and Billing Tips for Freelance Designers

Getting paid is the most exciting thing for working so hard for your employer or client. Though most of the designers do not enjoy invoicing their client but it should not be forgotten invoice handling is an imperative part of being a freelancer or running a design agency. Sending invoice to the client is an imperative process for freelance designers. Mentioned below are some of the helpful tips for freelance graphic designers to make invoice in a hassle-free manner.

Choose the right invoicing software
Some Great Invoicing and Billing Tips for Freelance Designers
For a hassle-free invoicing the selection of the apt invoicing software is very important. You could find a large number of online invoicing applications that have been created for designers and freelancers. To save time and for a better organization over your invoices, it is advised that one should either use an online application or software over manual system or spreadsheets. Once you have made up your mind to go for invoicing software, you should then look for an application or software that includes all the features you need. There is a wide range of prices available for a variety of online applications and the prices vary because of the features available on the online applications.
Make Your Clients Aware
It is not a good idea to surprise your clients with invoicing date and amount charged for your task. This may cause delay in payment and client may feel unwilling to indulge with you for further business. Therefore, make your clients aware of your policies and they should know when they will receive invoice for your services. Avoid any distasteful business relationship with the clients.
Add Your Full Contact Information
To give a professional touch to your invoice you can add your name or company’s name, address, and your email with phone number. Moreover, contact information is also required because there are possibilities that the client you are dealing with works procedurally and a large number of people handle the invoice before it is paid. If it is passed to an account payable department and they may have some question about the invoice, in that case mentioning your details would be helpful to get in touch with you. Further, it helps to avoid unnecessary delay in payment and your clients need your contact details for legal or record keeping purposes.
Organize Your Invoices & Make a Complete Detailed Invoice
Invoices are being sent frequently and in no time it becomes difficult for designers to track them without a numbering system. Invoice numbering is very useful, it allows you to easily record payments accurately as they are received and helps to track down late payments as well. Today, majority of online application and software have this option by default.
Some Great Invoicing and Billing Tips for Freelance Designers
Do not assume on your own that your client would automatically come to know about any charges implied by you in the invoice. To avoid any confusion, you should state what the charges for and what services have been taken by the client. It is not just helpful for clients but for designers as well. For an on-going project, a detailed invoice would help client to distinguish the completed tasks and amount paid.
Continuous Follow Up
There are just fewer chances of receiving payment on time. It is possible that your due date is over and still there is no payment from the client side. At such a time, take a moment to follow-up with the client, remind him and check if the payment is on the way or there are still problems. There should always be some policy for taking care of late payments collections and follow up is a vital part of that process.
Send invoice to the Right Person
Before sending an invoice, make it very sure that you are sending it to the right person. You should know to whom you are sending the invoice in order to speed-up the process of payment. The problem comes when your client is not a small business and sending invoice to the wrong individual would not just slow down the process but the chances of invoice being lost or ignored are also at large.
Selection of Payment Modes
Besides, letting your client know how much does he owe you and when he needs to pay, you should also make him clear what are the modes of payment available for him. Some designers do not give it a prime importance which consequently results in inappropriate mode of payment. This is why it is crucial that designer must include mode of payment on their invoices. You may prefer to receive money by checks or accept online credit card payments.
Some Great Invoicing and Billing Tips for Freelance Designers
The above mentioned tips are the most important tips that a freelancer should always remember while sending an invoice to his client. Since an invoice is the first step to get you paid, you should make sure that there should not be any error there.
About The Author
Invoicera is an online invoicing and time tracking project management tool which is specifically designed keeping simplicity and online invoicing convenience in mind, while at the same time offering the best of the breed invoicing features.


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