Hello all !
Starting from today, I will post some interesting articles for wordpress beginners. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform available and it is simple and very powerful. It is simple because you don’t need to be a pro technical person or a master in coding. It is beautiful because there are thousand of templates and themes available for it. So today i am going to explain how to install wordpress locally in your pc using XAMPP software !
So here i start and i try to make it as simple as i can and try to arrange it in points.
That was easy !! Isn’t it ??
Starting from today, I will post some interesting articles for wordpress beginners. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform available and it is simple and very powerful. It is simple because you don’t need to be a pro technical person or a master in coding. It is beautiful because there are thousand of templates and themes available for it. So today i am going to explain how to install wordpress locally in your pc using XAMPP software !
So here i start and i try to make it as simple as i can and try to arrange it in points.
- First get XAMPP lite, open the exe file, and install it at the root of some of your drives, usually C, but I prefer to install it on D to keep it separate.
- Get the latest wordpress file from here http://wordpress.org/download/
- Now go to C:/xampplite and start setup_xampp.bat file by double clicking on it and then open xampp-control.exe and start the first two services which will be Apache and Mysql.
- Now in your browser, go to http://localhost or and click on phpmyadmin from the left sidebar column. clicking on it will bring you to Mysql admin panel.
- Now click on Databases and create a new database by entering the name : wordpress. Now go to Privileges tab and click on add new user and enter the desired username and password of your choice. Your host type should be local and enter localhost as a value next to it. Below that there will be a global privillages box and click on check all and click on GO button right at the bottom. Now you are done with the database part.
- Extract the wordpress file in C:/xampplite/htdocs folder.
- Open wp-config-sample.php from that extracted wordpress in your text editor like WordPad, notepad and update the database details. (db_name = wordpress, host = localhost, user, password = the one which you made in database creation) and save the file.%
- At last, open your browser and go to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin.php
- That’s It !! you are done with the installation. Now you may login from http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin.
- You may also import the posts and comments from your original hosted wordpress site.
That was easy !! Isn’t it ??
That's how I maintain the wordpress with xampp....
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